adding multus-daemonset json fixes
[ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin.git] / deploy / multus-daemonset.yml
1 ---
2 apiVersion:
3 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
4 metadata:
5   name:
6 spec:
7   group:
8   scope: Namespaced
9   names:
10     plural: network-attachment-definitions
11     singular: network-attachment-definition
12     kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
13     shortNames:
14     - net-attach-def
15   versions:
16     - name: v1
17       served: true
18       storage: true
19       schema:
20         openAPIV3Schema:
21           description: 'NetworkAttachmentDefinition is a CRD schema specified by the Network Plumbing
22             Working Group to express the intent for attaching pods to one or more logical or physical
23             networks. More information available at:'
24           type: object
25           properties:
26             apiVersion:
27               description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this represen
28                 tation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the
29                 latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:
30       '
31               type: string
32             kind:
33               description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
34                 object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
35                 submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
36               type: string
37             metadata:
38               type: object
39             spec:
40               description: 'NetworkAttachmentDefinition spec defines the desired state of a network attachment'
41               type: object
42               properties:
43                 config:
44                   description: 'NetworkAttachmentDefinition config is a JSON-formatted CNI configuration'
45                   type: string
46 ---
47 kind: ClusterRole
48 apiVersion:
49 metadata:
50   name: multus
51 rules:
52   - apiGroups: [""]
53     resources:
54       - '*'
55     verbs:
56       - '*'
57   - apiGroups:
58       - ""
59     resources:
60       - pods
61       - pods/status
62     verbs:
63       - get
64       - update
65   - apiGroups:
66       - ""
67       -
68     resources:
69       - events
70     verbs:
71       - create
72       - patch
73       - update
74 ---
75 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
76 apiVersion:
77 metadata:
78   name: multus
79 roleRef:
80   apiGroup:
81   kind: ClusterRole
82   name: multus
83 subjects:
84 - kind: ServiceAccount
85   name: multus
86   namespace: kube-system
87 ---
88 apiVersion: v1
89 kind: ServiceAccount
90 metadata:
91   name: multus
92   namespace: kube-system
93 ---
94 kind: ConfigMap
95 apiVersion: v1
96 metadata:
97   name: multus-cni-config
98   namespace: kube-system
99   labels:
100     tier: node
101     app: multus
102 data:
103   # NOTE: If you'd prefer to manually apply a configuration file, you may create one here.
104   # In the case you'd like to customize the Multus installation, you should change the arguments to the Multus pod
105   # change the "args" line below from
106   # - "--multus-conf-file=auto"
107   # to:
108   # "--multus-conf-file=/tmp/multus-conf/70-multus.conf"
109   # Additionally -- you should ensure that the name "70-multus.conf" is the alphabetically first name in the
110   # /etc/cni/net.d/ directory on each node, otherwise, it will not be used by the Kubelet.
111   cni-conf.json: |
112     {
113       "name": "multus-cni-network",
114       "type": "multus",
115       "capabilities": {
116         "portMappings": true
117       },
118       "delegates": [
119         {
120           "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
121           "name": "default-cni-network",
122           "plugins": [
123             {
124               "name": "k8s-pod-network",
125               "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
126               "type": "calico",
127               "log_level": "info",
128               "datastore_type": "kubernetes",
129               "nodename": "__KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME__",
130               "mtu": 1440,
131               "ipam": {
132                 "type": "calico-ipam"
133               },
134               "policy": {
135                 "type": "k8s"
136               },
137               "kubernetes": {
138                 "kubeconfig": "/etc/cni/net.d/calico-kubeconfig"
139               }
140             },
141             {
142               "type": "portmap",
143               "snat": true,
144               "capabilities": {"portMappings": true}
145             }
146           ]
147         }
148       ],
149       "kubeconfig": "/etc/cni/net.d/multus.d/multus.kubeconfig"
150     }
151 ---
152 apiVersion: apps/v1
153 kind: DaemonSet
154 metadata:
155   name: kube-multus-ds-amd64
156   namespace: kube-system
157   labels:
158     tier: node
159     app: multus
160     name: multus
161 spec:
162   selector:
163     matchLabels:
164       name: multus
165   updateStrategy:
166     type: RollingUpdate
167   template:
168     metadata:
169       labels:
170         tier: node
171         app: multus
172         name: multus
173     spec:
174       hostNetwork: true
175       nodeSelector:
176 amd64
177       tolerations:
178       - operator: Exists
179         effect: NoSchedule
180       serviceAccountName: multus
181       containers:
182       - name: kube-multus
183         image:
184         env:
185         - name: KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME
186           valueFrom:
187             fieldRef:
188               fieldPath: spec.nodeName
189         command:
190         - /bin/bash
191         - -cex
192         - |
193           #!/bin/bash
194           sed "s|__KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME__|${KUBERNETES_NODE_NAME}|g" /tmp/multus-conf/00-multus.conf.template > /tmp/multus-conf/00-multus.conf
195           / \
196             --multus-conf-file=/tmp/multus-conf/00-multus.conf
197         resources:
198           requests:
199             cpu: "100m"
200             memory: "50Mi"
201           limits:
202             cpu: "100m"
203             memory: "50Mi"
204         securityContext:
205           privileged: true
206         volumeMounts:
207         - name: cni
208           mountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d
209         - name: cnibin
210           mountPath: /host/opt/cni/bin
211         - name: multus-cfg
212           mountPath: /tmp/multus-conf/00-multus.conf.template
213           subPath: "cni-conf.json"
214       volumes:
215         - name: cni
216           hostPath:
217             path: /etc/cni/net.d
218         - name: cnibin
219           hostPath:
220             path: /opt/cni/bin
221         - name: multus-cfg
222           configMap:
223             name: multus-cni-config