A simple method to separate configuration for base fuel, plugins, PODs
[fuel.git] / deploy / config / plugins / fuel-odl_0.0.1.yaml
1 plugin-config-metadata:
2   title: OpenDaylight fuel Plugin configuration template
3   version: 0.1
4   created: Mon Dec 28 2015
5   comment: None
7 opendaylight:
8   enable_gbp:
9     label: GBP features
10     type: checkbox
11     value: false
12     weight: 14
13   enable_l3_odl:
14     label: 'EXPERIMENTAL: Use ODL to manage L3 traffic'
15     type: checkbox
16     value: false
17     weight: 12
18   enable_sfc:
19     label: SFC features
20     type: checkbox
21     value: false
22     weight: 13
23   metadata:
24     enabled: true
25     label: OpenDaylight Lithium plugin
26     odl_features:
27       default:
28       - config
29       - standard
30       - region
31       - package
32       - kar
33       - ssh
34       - management
35       gbp:
36       - odl-groupbasedpolicy-base
37       - odl-groupbasedpolicy-ofoverlay
38       ovs:
39       - odl-ovsdb-openstack
40       - odl-restconf-all
41       - odl-aaa-authn
42       - odl-dlux-all
43       sfc:
44       - odl-sfc-core
45       - odl-sfc-sb-rest
46       - odl-sfc-ui
47       - odl-sfc-netconf
48       - odl-sfc-ovs
49       - odl-sfcofl2
50       - odl-sfc-test-consumer
51       # plugin_id: Assigned during installation
52     restrictions:
53     - cluster:net_provider != 'neutron': Only neutron is supported by OpenDaylight
54     toggleable: true
55     weight: 70
56   rest_api_port:
57     description: Port on which ODL REST API will be available.
58     label: Port number
59     regex:
60       error: Invalid port number
61       source: ^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|6[0-4][0-9]{3}|65[0-4][0-9]{2}|655[0-2][0-9]|6553[0-5])$
62     type: text
63     value: '8282'
64     weight: 40