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[samplevnf.git] / VNFs / DPPD-PROX / helper-scripts / rapid /
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
3 ##
4 ## Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Intel Corporation
5 ##
6 ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 ## You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 ##
10 ##
11 ##
12 ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 ## limitations under the License.
17 ##
18 from __future__ import print_function
19 from __future__ import print_function
20 from __future__ import division
22 from future import standard_library
23 standard_library.install_aliases()
24 from builtins import object
25 import os
26 import sys
27 import concurrent.futures
28 from concurrent.futures import ALL_COMPLETED
29 from rapid_cli import RapidCli
30 from rapid_log import RapidLog
31 from rapid_parser import RapidConfigParser
32 from rapid_defaults import RapidDefaults
33 from rapid_machine import RapidMachine
34 from rapid_generator_machine import RapidGeneratorMachine
35 from rapid_flowsizetest import FlowSizeTest
36 from rapid_corestatstest import CoreStatsTest
37 from rapid_portstatstest import PortStatsTest
38 from rapid_impairtest import ImpairTest
39 from rapid_irqtest import IrqTest
40 from rapid_warmuptest import WarmupTest
42 class RapidTestManager(object):
43     """
44     RapidTestManager Class
45     """
46     def __del__(self):
47         for machine in self.machines:
48             machine.close_prox()
50     @staticmethod
51     def get_defaults():
52         return (RapidDefaults.test_params)
54     def run_tests(self, test_params):
55         test_params = RapidConfigParser.parse_config(test_params)
56         RapidLog.debug(test_params)
57         monitor_gen = monitor_sut = False
58         background_machines = []
59         sut_machine = gen_machine = None
60         self.machines = []
61         configonly = test_params['configonly']
62         for machine_params in test_params['machines']:
63             if 'gencores' in machine_params.keys():
64                 machine = RapidGeneratorMachine(test_params['key'],
65                         test_params['user'], test_params['vim_type'],
66                         test_params['rundir'], test_params['resultsdir'],
67                         machine_params, configonly, test_params['ipv6'])
68                 if machine_params['monitor']:
69                     if monitor_gen:
70                         RapidLog.exception("Can only monitor 1 generator")
71                         raise Exception("Can only monitor 1 generator")
72                     else:
73                         monitor_gen = True
74                         gen_machine = machine
75                 else:
76                     background_machines.append(machine)
77             else:
78                 machine = RapidMachine(test_params['key'], test_params['user'],
79                         test_params['vim_type'], test_params['rundir'],
80                         test_params['resultsdir'], machine_params, configonly)
81                 if machine_params['monitor']:
82                     if monitor_sut:
83                         RapidLog.exception("Can only monitor 1 sut")
84                         raise Exception("Can only monitor 1 sut")
85                     else:
86                         monitor_sut = True
87                         if machine_params['prox_socket']:
88                             sut_machine = machine
89             self.machines.append(machine)
90         try:
91             prox_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(self.machines))
92             self.future_to_prox = {prox_executor.submit(machine.start_prox): machine for machine in self.machines}
93             if configonly:
94                 concurrent.futures.wait(self.future_to_prox,return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)
95                 sys.exit()
96             socket_executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(self.machines))
97             future_to_connect_prox = {socket_executor.submit(machine.connect_prox): machine for machine in self.machines}
98             concurrent.futures.wait(future_to_connect_prox,return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)
99             result = 0
100             for test_param in test_params['tests']:
101       ['test'])
102                 if test_param['test'] in ['flowsizetest', 'TST009test',
103                         'fixed_rate', 'increment_till_fail']:
104                     test = FlowSizeTest(test_param,
105                             test_params['lat_percentile'],
106                             test_params['runtime'],
107                             test_params['TestName'],
108                             test_params['environment_file'],
109                             gen_machine,
110                             sut_machine, background_machines)
111                 elif test_param['test'] in ['corestatstest']:
112                     test = CoreStatsTest(test_param,
113                             test_params['runtime'],
114                             test_params['TestName'],
115                             test_params['environment_file'],
116                             self.machines)
117                 elif test_param['test'] in ['portstatstest']:
118                     test = PortStatsTest(test_param,
119                             test_params['runtime'],
120                             test_params['TestName'],
121                             test_params['environment_file'],
122                             self.machines)
123                 elif test_param['test'] in ['impairtest']:
124                     test = ImpairTest(test_param,
125                             test_params['lat_percentile'],
126                             test_params['runtime'],
127                             test_params['TestName'],
128                             test_params['environment_file'],
129                             gen_machine,
130                             sut_machine, background_machines)
131                 elif test_param['test'] in ['irqtest']:
132                     test = IrqTest(test_param,
133                             test_params['runtime'],
134                             test_params['TestName'],
135                             test_params['environment_file'],
136                             self.machines)
137                 elif test_param['test'] in ['warmuptest']:
138                     test = WarmupTest(test_param,
139                             gen_machine)
140                 else:
141                     RapidLog.debug('Test name ({}) is not valid:'.format(
142                         test_param['test']))
143                 single_test_result, result_details =
144                 result = result + single_test_result
145             for machine in self.machines:
146                 machine.close_prox()
147             concurrent.futures.wait(self.future_to_prox,
148                     return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)
149         except (ConnectionError, KeyboardInterrupt) as e:
150             result = result_details = None
151             socket_executor.shutdown(wait=False)
152             socket_executor._threads.clear()
153             prox_executor.shutdown(wait=False)
154             prox_executor._threads.clear()
155             concurrent.futures.thread._threads_queues.clear()
156             RapidLog.error("Test interrupted: {} {}".format(
157                 type(e).__name__,e))
158         return (result, result_details)
160 def main():
161     """Main function.
162     """
163     test_params = RapidTestManager.get_defaults()
164     # When no cli is used, the process_cli can be replaced by code modifying
165     # test_params
166     test_params = RapidCli.process_cli(test_params)
167     _, test_file_name = os.path.split(test_params['test_file'])
168     _, environment_file_name = os.path.split(test_params['environment_file'])
169     log_file = 'RUN{}.{}.log'.format(environment_file_name, test_file_name)
170     RapidLog.log_init(log_file, test_params['loglevel'],
171             test_params['screenloglevel'] , test_params['version']  )
172     test_manager = RapidTestManager()
173     test_result, _ = test_manager.run_tests(test_params)
174     RapidLog.log_close()
176 if __name__ == "__main__":
177     main()