Added sleep_time optional configuration in rapid
[samplevnf.git] / VNFs / DPPD-PROX / helper-scripts / rapid /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 ##
4 ## Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation
5 ##
6 ## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 ## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 ## You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 ##
10 ##
11 ##
12 ##
13 ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 ## limitations under the License.
18 ##
19 import sys
20 import time
21 import copy
22 from math import ceil
23 from statistics import mean
24 from past.utils import old_div
25 from rapid_log import RapidLog
26 from rapid_log import bcolors
27 from rapid_test import RapidTest
28 inf = float("inf")
30 class FlowSizeTest(RapidTest):
31     """
32     Class to manage the flowsizetesting
33     """
34     def __init__(self, test_param, lat_percentile, runtime, testname,
35             environment_file, gen_machine, sut_machine, background_machines, sleep_time):
36         super().__init__(test_param, runtime, testname, environment_file)
37         self.gen_machine = gen_machine
38         self.sut_machine = sut_machine
39         self.background_machines = background_machines
40         self.test['lat_percentile'] = lat_percentile
41         self.test['sleep_time'] = sleep_time
42         if self.test['test'] == 'TST009test':
43             # This test implements some of the testing as defined in
44             #
45             self.test['TST009_n'] = int(ceil(old_div(
46                 self.test['maxframespersecondallingress'],
47                 self.test['stepsize'])))
48             self.test['TST009'] = True
49             self.test['TST009_L'] = 0
50             self.test['TST009_R'] = self.test['TST009_n'] - 1
51             self.test['TST009_S']= []
52             for m in range(0, self.test['TST009_n']):
53                 self.test['TST009_S'].append((m+1) * self.test['stepsize'])
54         elif self.test['test'] == 'fixed_rate':
55             for key in['drop_rate_threshold','lat_avg_threshold',
56                     'lat_perc_threshold','lat_max_threshold','mis_ordered_threshold']:
57                 self.test[key] = inf
59     def new_speed(self, speed,size,success):
60         if self.test['test'] == 'fixed_rate':
61             return (self.test['startspeed'])
62         elif self.test['test'] == 'increment_till_fail':
63             return (speed + self.test['step'])
64         elif 'TST009' in self.test.keys():
65             if success:
66                 self.test['TST009_L'] = self.test['TST009_m'] + 1
67             else:
68                 self.test['TST009_R'] = max(self.test['TST009_m'] - 1,
69                         self.test['TST009_L'])
70             self.test['TST009_m'] = int (old_div((self.test['TST009_L'] +
71                 self.test['TST009_R']),2))
72             return (self.get_percentageof10Gbps(self.test['TST009_S'][self.test['TST009_m']],size))
73         else:
74             if success:
75                 self.test['minspeed'] = speed
76             else:
77                 self.test['maxspeed'] = speed
78             return (old_div((self.test['minspeed'] + self.test['maxspeed']),2.0))
80     def get_start_speed_and_init(self, size):
81         if self.test['test'] == 'fixed_rate':
82             return (self.test['startspeed'])
83         elif self.test['test'] == 'increment_till_fail':
84             return (self.test['startspeed'])
85         elif 'TST009' in self.test.keys():
86             self.test['TST009_L'] = 0
87             self.test['TST009_R'] = self.test['TST009_n'] - 1
88             self.test['TST009_m'] = int(old_div((self.test['TST009_L'] +
89                 self.test['TST009_R']), 2))
90             return (self.get_percentageof10Gbps(self.test['TST009_S'][self.test['TST009_m']],size))
91         else:
92             self.test['minspeed'] = 0
93             self.test['maxspeed'] = self.test['startspeed'] 
94             return (self.test['startspeed'])
96     def resolution_achieved(self):
97         if self.test['test'] == 'fixed_rate':
98             return (True)
99         elif 'TST009' in self.test.keys():
100             return (self.test['TST009_L'] == self.test['TST009_R'])
101         else:
102             return ((self.test['maxspeed'] - self.test['minspeed']) <= self.test['accuracy'])
104     def warm_up(self):
105         # Running at low speed to make sure the ARP messages can get through.
106         # If not doing this, the ARP message could be dropped by a switch in overload and then the test will not give proper results
107         # Note however that if we would run the test steps during a very long time, the ARP would expire in the switch.
108         # PROX will send a new ARP request every seconds so chances are very low that they will all fail to get through
109         imix = self.test['warmupimix']
110         FLOWSIZE = self.test['warmupflowsize']
111         WARMUPSPEED = self.test['warmupspeed']
112         WARMUPTIME = self.test['warmuptime']
114         if WARMUPTIME == 0:
115   "Not Warming up"))
116             return
118"Warming up during {} seconds..., packet size = {},"
119             " flows = {}, speed = {}").format(WARMUPTIME, imix, FLOWSIZE,
120                 WARMUPSPEED))
121         self.gen_machine.set_generator_speed(WARMUPSPEED)
122         self.set_background_speed(self.background_machines, WARMUPSPEED)
123         self.gen_machine.set_udp_packet_size(imix)
124         self.set_background_size(self.background_machines, imix)
125         if FLOWSIZE:
126             _ = self.gen_machine.set_flows(FLOWSIZE)
127             self.set_background_flows(self.background_machines, FLOWSIZE)
128         self.gen_machine.start()
129         self.start_background_traffic(self.background_machines)
130         time.sleep(WARMUPTIME)
131         self.stop_background_traffic(self.background_machines)
132         self.gen_machine.stop()
134     def run(self):
135         result_details = {'Details': 'Nothing'}
136         TestResult = 0
137         end_data = {}
138         iteration_prefix = {}
139         self.warm_up()
140         for imix in self.test['imixs']:
141             size = mean(imix)
142             self.gen_machine.set_udp_packet_size(imix)
143             if self.background_machines:
144                 backgroundinfo = ('{}Running {} x background traffic not '
145                     'represented in the table{}').format(bcolors.FLASH,
146                             len(self.background_machines),bcolors.ENDC)
147             else:
148                 backgroundinfo = '{}{}'.format(bcolors.FLASH,bcolors.ENDC)
149             self.set_background_size(self.background_machines, imix)
150   '+' + '-' * 200 + '+')
151   "| UDP, {:>5} bytes, different number of flows by "
152                 "randomizing SRC & DST UDP port. {:128.128}|").
153                 format(round(size), backgroundinfo))
154   '+' + '-' * 8 + '+' + '-' * 18 + '+' + '-' * 13 +
155                     '+' + '-' * 13 + '+' + '-' * 13 + '+' + '-' * 24 + '+' +
156                     '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 11
157                     + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+'  + '-' * 11 +  '+'
158                     + '-' * 7 + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+' + '-' * 4 + '+')
159   '| Flows  | Speed requested  | Gen by core | Sent by'
160                 ' NIC | Fwrd by SUT | Rec. by core           | Avg. Lat.|{:.0f}'
161                 ' Pcentil| Max. Lat.|   Sent    |  Received |    Lost   | Total'
162                 ' Lost|L.Ratio|Mis-ordered|Time').format(self.test['lat_percentile']*100))
163   '+' + '-' * 8 + '+' + '-' * 18 + '+' + '-' * 13 +
164                     '+' + '-' * 13 + '+' + '-' * 13 + '+' + '-' * 24 + '+' +
165                     '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 11
166                     + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+'  + '-' * 11 +  '+'
167                     + '-' * 7 + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+' + '-' * 4 + '+')
168             for flow_number in self.test['flows']:
169                 attempts = 0
170                 self.gen_machine.reset_stats()
171                 if self.sut_machine:
172                     self.sut_machine.reset_stats()
173                 if flow_number != 0:
174                     flow_number = self.gen_machine.set_flows(flow_number)
175                     self.set_background_flows(self.background_machines, flow_number)
176                 end_data['speed'] = None
177                 speed = self.get_start_speed_and_init(size)
178                 while True:
179                     attempts += 1
180                     endwarning = False
181                     print('{} flows: Measurement ongoing at speed: {}%'.format(
182                         str(flow_number), str(round(speed, 2))), end='     \r')
183                     sys.stdout.flush()
184                     iteration_data = self.run_iteration(
185                             float(self.test['runtime']),flow_number,size,speed)
186                     if iteration_data['r'] > 1:
187                         retry_warning = '{} {:1} retries needed{}'.format(
188                                 bcolors.WARNING, iteration_data['r'],
189                                 bcolors.ENDC)
190                     else:
191                         retry_warning = ''
192                     # Drop rate is expressed in percentage. lat_used is a ratio
193                     # (0 to 1). The sum of these 2 should be 100%.
194                     # If the sum is lower than 95, it means that more than 5%
195                     # of the latency measurements where dropped for accuracy
196                     # reasons.
197                     if (iteration_data['drop_rate'] +
198                             iteration_data['lat_used'] * 100) < 95:
199                         lat_warning = ('{} Latency accuracy issue?: {:>3.0f}%'
200                             '{}').format(bcolors.WARNING,
201                                     iteration_data['lat_used'] * 100,
202                                     bcolors.ENDC)
203                     else:
204                         lat_warning = ''
205                     iteration_prefix = {'speed' : bcolors.ENDC,
206                             'lat_avg' : bcolors.ENDC,
207                             'lat_perc' : bcolors.ENDC,
208                             'lat_max' : bcolors.ENDC,
209                             'abs_drop_rate' : bcolors.ENDC,
210                             'mis_ordered' : bcolors.ENDC,
211                             'drop_rate' : bcolors.ENDC}
212                     if self.test['test'] == 'fixed_rate':
213                         end_data = copy.deepcopy(iteration_data)
214                         end_prefix = copy.deepcopy(iteration_prefix)
215                         if lat_warning or retry_warning:
216                             endwarning = '|        | {:177.177} |'.format(
217                                     retry_warning + lat_warning)
218                         success = True
219                         # TestResult = TestResult + iteration_data['pps_rx']
220                         # fixed rate testing result is strange: we just report
221                         # the pps received
222                     # The following if statement is testing if we pass the
223                     # success criteria of a certain drop rate, average latency
224                     # and maximum latency below the threshold.
225                     # The drop rate success can be achieved in 2 ways: either
226                     # the drop rate is below a treshold, either we want that no
227                     # packet has been lost during the test.
228                     # This can be specified by putting 0 in the .test file
229                     elif ((iteration_data['drop_rate'] < self.test['drop_rate_threshold']) or (iteration_data['abs_dropped']==self.test['drop_rate_threshold']==0)) and (iteration_data['lat_avg']< self.test['lat_avg_threshold']) and (iteration_data['lat_perc']< self.test['lat_perc_threshold']) and (iteration_data['lat_max'] < self.test['lat_max_threshold'] and iteration_data['mis_ordered'] <= self.test['mis_ordered_threshold']):
230                         if (old_div((self.get_pps(speed,size) - iteration_data['pps_tx']),self.get_pps(speed,size)))>0.01:
231                             iteration_prefix['speed'] = bcolors.WARNING
232                             if iteration_data['abs_tx_fail'] > 0:
233                                 gen_warning = bcolors.WARNING + ' Network limit?: requesting {:<.3f} Mpps and getting {:<.3f} Mpps - {} failed to be transmitted'.format(self.get_pps(speed,size), iteration_data['pps_tx'], iteration_data['abs_tx_fail']) + bcolors.ENDC
234                             else:
235                                 gen_warning = bcolors.WARNING + ' Generator limit?: requesting {:<.3f} Mpps and getting {:<.3f} Mpps'.format(self.get_pps(speed,size), iteration_data['pps_tx']) + bcolors.ENDC
236                         else:
237                             iteration_prefix['speed'] = bcolors.ENDC
238                             gen_warning = ''
239                         end_data = copy.deepcopy(iteration_data)
240                         end_prefix = copy.deepcopy(iteration_prefix)
241                         if lat_warning or gen_warning or retry_warning:
242                             endwarning = '|        | {:186.186} |'.format(retry_warning + lat_warning + gen_warning)
243                         success = True
244                         success_message=' SUCCESS'
245                         RapidLog.debug(self.report_result(-attempts, size,
246                             iteration_data, iteration_prefix) + success_message +
247                             retry_warning + lat_warning + gen_warning)
248                     else:
249                         success_message=' FAILED'
250                         if ((iteration_data['abs_dropped']>0) and (self.test['drop_rate_threshold'] ==0)):
251                             iteration_prefix['abs_drop_rate'] = bcolors.FAIL
252                         if (iteration_data['drop_rate'] <= self.test['drop_rate_threshold']):
253                             iteration_prefix['drop_rate'] = bcolors.ENDC
254                         else:
255                             iteration_prefix['drop_rate'] = bcolors.FAIL
256                         if (iteration_data['lat_avg']< self.test['lat_avg_threshold']):
257                             iteration_prefix['lat_avg'] = bcolors.ENDC
258                         else:
259                             iteration_prefix['lat_avg'] = bcolors.FAIL
260                         if (iteration_data['lat_perc']< self.test['lat_perc_threshold']):
261                             iteration_prefix['lat_perc'] = bcolors.ENDC
262                         else:
263                             iteration_prefix['lat_perc'] = bcolors.FAIL
264                         if (iteration_data['lat_max']< self.test['lat_max_threshold']):
265                             iteration_prefix['lat_max'] = bcolors.ENDC
266                         else:
267                             iteration_prefix['lat_max'] = bcolors.FAIL
268                         if ((old_div((self.get_pps(speed,size) - iteration_data['pps_tx']),self.get_pps(speed,size)))<0.001):
269                             iteration_prefix['speed'] = bcolors.ENDC
270                         else:
271                             iteration_prefix['speed'] = bcolors.FAIL
272                         if (iteration_data['mis_ordered']< self.test['mis_ordered_threshold']):
273                             iteration_prefix['mis_ordered'] = bcolors.ENDC
274                         else:
275                             iteration_prefix['mis_ordered'] = bcolors.FAIL
277                         success = False 
278                         RapidLog.debug(self.report_result(-attempts, size,
279                             iteration_data, iteration_prefix) +
280                             success_message + retry_warning + lat_warning)
281                     speed = self.new_speed(speed, size, success)
282                     if self.test['test'] == 'increment_till_fail':
283                         if not success:
284                             break
285                     elif self.resolution_achieved():
286                         break
287                 if end_data['speed'] is None:
288                     end_data = iteration_data
289                     end_prefix = iteration_prefix
290           '|{:>7} | {:<177} |'.format("FAILED","Speed 0 or close to 0, data for last failed step below:"))
291       , size,
292                     end_data, end_prefix))
293                 if end_data['avg_bg_rate']:
294                     tot_avg_rx_rate = end_data['pps_rx'] + (end_data['avg_bg_rate'] * len(self.background_machines))
295                     endtotaltrafficrate = '|        | Total amount of traffic received by all generators during this test: {:>4.3f} Gb/s {:7.3f} Mpps {} |'.format(RapidTest.get_speed(tot_avg_rx_rate,size) , tot_avg_rx_rate, ' '*84)
296            (endtotaltrafficrate)
297                 if endwarning:
298            (endwarning)
299                 if self.test['test'] != 'fixed_rate':
300                     TestResult = TestResult + end_data['pps_rx']
301                     end_data['test'] = self.test['testname']
302                     end_data['environment_file'] = self.test['environment_file']
303                     end_data['Flows'] = flow_number
304                     end_data['Size'] = size
305                     end_data['RequestedSpeed'] = RapidTest.get_pps(end_data['speed'] ,size)
306                     result_details = self.post_data(end_data)
307                     RapidLog.debug(result_details)
308       '+' + '-' * 8 + '+' + '-' * 18 + '+' + '-' * 13 +
309                     '+' + '-' * 13 + '+' + '-' * 13 + '+' + '-' * 24 + '+' +
310                     '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 10 + '+' + '-' * 11
311                     + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+'  + '-' * 11 +  '+'
312                     + '+' + '-' * 11 + '+'
313                     + '-' * 7 + '+' + '-' * 4 + '+')
314         return (TestResult, result_details)