Support packets in flight
[samplevnf.git] / VNF_Catalogue / views / layout.jade
1 doctype html
2 //
3   Copyright (c) 2017 Kumar Rishabh and others.
4   All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
5   are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
6   which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
8 html(lang='en')
9 html
10     head
11         title= title
12         link(rel='stylesheet', href='/3rd_party/materialize/css/materialize.css')
13         script(type='text/javascript', src='')
14         script(src='/javascripts/global.js')
15         script(src='/3rd_party/materialize/js/materialize.js')
16         link(href='', rel='stylesheet')
17         link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
18     body
19         header
20           nav.transparent.z-depth-0
21             .nav-wrapper
22               a.button-collapse(href='#', data-activates='mobile-demo')
23                 i.material-icons menu
24               ul#nav-mobile.left.hide-on-med-and-down
25                 li
26                   a(href='#')
27                     img.left.brand-logo.brand-logo-extends
28                 li
29                   a(href='#') Projects
30                 li
31                   a(href='#') People
32                 li
33                   a(href='#') About
34               ul#nav-mobile.right.hide-on-med-and-down
35                 li.signup
36                   a(href='#') Sign up
37                 li.option or
38                 li.signin
39                   a(href='#') Sign in
40               ul#mobile-demo.side-nav
41                 li
42                   a(href='#') Projects
43                 li
44                   a(href='#') People
45                 li
46                   a(href='#') About
47                 li.signup
48                   a(href='#') Sign up
49                 li.signin
50                   a(href='#') Sign in
51         block search
52         block add_project
53         block content