TXRX: Initialize the debug flag to disable by default
[samplevnf.git] / VNF_Catalogue / views / add_project.jade
2 .search-box-placeholder
3   script(src='/3rd_party/typeahead.js')
4   script(type='text/javascript', src='/javascripts/mode_edit.js')
5   .fixed-action-btn.fixed-action-btn_custom
6     a.btn-floating.btn-large.red
7       i.large.material-icons mode_edit
8     ul
9       li
10         a.btn-floating.red.tooltipped(href='#modal2', data-position='left', data-delay='50', data-tooltip='Add a TAG')
11           i.large.material-icons attach_file
12       li
13         a.btn-floating.green.tooltipped(href='#modal1', data-position='left', data-delay='50', data-tooltip='Add a VNF')
14           i.large.material-icons add
15       li
16         a.btn-floating.blue.tooltipped(href='#modal3', data-position='left', data-delay='50', data-tooltip='Add a TAG to a VNF')
17           i.large.material-icons share
18   #modal1.modal
19     .modal-content
20       h4.center
21         i.material-icons library_add
22         |         Add a VNF
23       .row
24         form#add_project_form.col.s12(action='/add_project', enctype='multipart/form-data', method='post')
25           .row.modal-form-row
26             .input-field.col.s12
27               input#vnf_name.validate(type='text', name='vnf_name')
28               label.left-align(for='vnf_name') Name
29           .row
30             .input-field.col.s12
31               input#repo_url.validate(type='text', name='repo_url')
32               label.left-align(for='repo_url') Github URL
33           .row
34             .input-field.col.s12
35               select#license
36                 option(value='', name='license', disabled='', selected='') Choose the License
37                 option(value='MIT') MIT
38                 option(value='GPL') GPL
39                 option(value='GPL_V2') GPL_V2
40                 option(value='BSD') BSD
41                 option(value='APACHE') APACHE
42               label License
43           .row
44             .input-field.col.s12
45               select#opnfv_indicator
46                 option(value='', name='opnfv_indicator', disabled='', selected='') Choose the OPNFV Indicator
47                 option(value='silver') silver
48                 option(value='gold') gold
49                 option(value='platinum') platinum
50               label OPNFV Indicator
52           .row
53             .file-field.input-field
54               .btn
55                 span Photo (Optional)
56                 input#file_upload(type='file', name='file_upload')
57               .file-path-wrapper
58                 input.file-path.validate(type='text', name='file_url')
60           .row
61             .input-field.col.s12
62               input#submitter_id.validate(type='hidden', name='submitter_id', value=1)
64           .row
65             button#add_project_button.modal-action.modal-close.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.right
66               | Submit VNF
67               i.material-icons.right send
68   #modal2.modal
69     .modal-content
70       h4.center
71         i.material-icons library_add
72         |         Add a TAG
73       .row
74         form#add_tag_form.col.s12(action='/add_tag', method='post')
75           .row.modal-form-row
76             .input-field.col.s12
77               input#tag_name.validate(type='text', name='tag_name')
78               label.left-align(for='tag_name') Name
79           button#add_tag_button.modal-action.modal-close.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.right
80             | Submit TAG
81             i.material-icons.right send
82   #modal3.modal
83       h4.center
84         i.material-icons library_add
85         |         Add a TAG to a VNF
86       .row
87         form#add_vnf_tag_association_form.col.s12(action='/vnf_tag_association', method='post')
89           .row.modal-form-row.modal-form-row-custom
90             .input-field.col.s2 VNF Name
91             #scrollable-dropdown-menu.input-field.col.s4
92               input#vnf_name.typeahead(type='text', name='vnf_name')
93               //
94                 label.left-align(for='tag_name') VNF Name
95             .input-field.col.s2 TAG Name
96             #scrollable-dropdown-menu.input-field.col.s4
97               input#tag_name.validate.typeahead(type='text', name='tag_name')
98               //
99                 label.left-align(for='tag_name') TAG Name
101           button#add_vnf_tag_association_button.modal-action.modal-close.waves-effect.waves-light.btn.right
102             | Submit
103             i.material-icons.right send
104   style.
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107     }
108     .dropdown-content {
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