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[samplevnf.git] / VNF_Catalogue / docker-compose.yml
1 ##################################################################
2 #   Docker-Compose for setting up and running vnf_catalogue webapp
3 ##################################################################
4 # Purpose: To setup and run vnf_catalogue webapp
5 # Usage: docker-compose up
6 #
7 # The webapp would be accessible at ip_address:3000
8 #
9 # Maintained by Kumar Rishabh :: penguinRaider
10 ##
11 # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
12 # are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
13 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
14 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
15 #
17 version: "2"
18 services:
19     mysql:
20     # mysql service built on top of vanilla mysql container.
21     # Defines mysql credentials.
22         image: mysql
23         container_name: vnf_catalogue_database
24         environment:
25             - MYSQL_USER=vnf_user
26             - MYSQL_PASSWORD=vnf_password
27             - MYSQL_DATABASE=vnf_catalogue
28             - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root
29         volumes:
30             - ./persistent_data/database/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
31     phpmyadmin:
32         image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
33         links:
34             - "mysql:mysql"
35         ports:
36             - "8181:80"
37         environment:
38             PMA_ARBITRARY: 1
39             MYSQL_USERNAME: vnf_user
40             MYSQL_PASSWORD: vnf_password
41             MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root
42             #- MYSQL_USERNAME=root
43     minio:
44         image: minio/minio
45         environment:
46             - MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=vnf_minio
47             - MINIO_SECRET_KEY=vnf_minio
48         ports:
49             - "9000:9000"
50         volumes:
51             - ./persistent_data/minio/images:/export
52         command: server /export
53     vnf_catalogue:
54     # The vnf_catalogue webapp service.
55         build: .
56         container_name: vnf_catalogue_webapp
57         depends_on:
58             - mysql
59             - minio
60         # Port on which the node.js server would be exposed <host:container>
61         # To change host port to say 80 use 80:3000
63         ports:
64             - "3000:3000"
65         volumes:
66             - ./persistent_data/nodejs_server/public_images/:/usr/src/app/public/uploads
67     vnf_catalogue_migrate:
68     # We define another service for database migration. This service will
69     # migrate the database schema.(Dockerfile resides in migration
70     # directory).
72         build: ./migration
73         container_name: vnf_catalogue_migrate
74         depends_on:
75             - mysql
76     vnf_catalogue_cronjob:
77         build: ./cronjob
78         container_name: vnf_catalogue_cronjob
79         depends_on:
80             - mysql