Bugfix: Reference for the tool used in TC044 mentioned in the user guide is wrong
[yardstick.git] / .gitignore
1 *.DS_Store
2 *.log
3 *.pyc
4 .vimrc
5 .ropeproject
6 .settings/
7 .eggs/
8 *.orig
9 *.BACKUP.*
10 *.BASE.*
11 *.LOCAL.*
12 *.REMOTE.*
13 *.egg
14 *.egg-info
15 build
16 htmlcov
17 .agignore
18 .coverage
19 *.retry
20 Session*.vim
21 .tags*
22 .coverage.*
23 *~
24 setuptools*zip
25 dist/
26 .testrepository/
27 cover/
28 .*.sw?
29 /docs_build/
30 /docs_output/
31 /docs/apidocs/yardstick*.rst
32 #PyCharm IDE project configuration files
33 .idea/
34 # tox virtualenvs
35 .tox/